Artist Statement:
As artists, we have the capacity to create bridges of understanding. For me, this is the beauty of art and of being an artist: having the ability to reach individuals by the art we make. As individuals, we sometimes live in a bubble that shields us from reality, where we are primarily focused on personal needs and the well-being of those closest to us. We watch the news and have an idea of what is going on in the world, but because we are removed from it, we lack a true understanding about its significance.
The fight to maintain my legal status in America, especially after the last presidential election, affects me emotionally and physically. The despair I feel about the prospect of being forced to leave America, which I now regard as my home, has inspired my art. I choose photography to convey my thoughts and experiences, as I feel that it represents the truth and has the power to positively influence others and bring awareness to the plight of the immigrant. It is my hope to raise awareness of the immigrant’s journey, as informed by my own experiences and those shared by immigrants around me.